The Exotic Pet Collective
I discuss all things related to the exotic pet hobby. We will be talking about tarantulas, scorpions, snakes, and other inverts and reptiles. I will be interviewing breeders, dealers, researchers and more.
Podcasting since 2020 • 45 episodes
The Exotic Pet Collective
Latest Episodes
Is It Time to EVOLVE TARANTULA HUSBANDRY? w/ Ryan Marshall
This week I sat down with Ryan from Marshall Arachnids to discuss his background in zoology and animal husbandry and how it impacts his tarantula husbandry. We discuss the controversial issues of tarantula care and husbandry and why the bare mi...
Season 4
Episode 2

They're Selling TARANTULAS at Josh's Frogs?
I sit down with Sheanna, Austin and Jayzun from the Pet Bug's Department of Josh's Frogs and discuss feeding, breeding, and packaging spiders as well as what it is like working at Josh's Frogs. It was a great conversation where we really get a ...
Season 3
Episode 14

What Happened with Eresus Spider Shop?
So what REALLY happened with Eresus Spider Shop? They came on the scene hot with a lot of awesome species and then had a MASSIVE sale! But somewhere around a few months ago things seemed to quickly fall apart leaving many customers upset and wa...
Season 3
Episode 13

Debra Wilson - Hollywood's Coolest Tarantula Keeper
Todays guest is the AMAZING Debra Wilson. You probably know her as the longest-serving original cast member on the sketch comedy series Mad TV. She has also had voice roles in video games such as Rebecca Thane in Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Grace W...
Season 3
Episode 12